Sunday, 16 May 2010

We only stay in orbit, for a moment of time...

Oh so you thought I'd vanished off the face of the earth did you? Well I kind of did...only kind of. Truth is the last couple of months have been pretty hectic one way and another and well on top of that I've actually not found much new music to genuinely excite me enough to want to blog. I know I haven't reached a natural end of quality music I just haven't had time to search out much.

Rest assured folks now things are quietening down slightly I will be back to some sort of regular posting, I have much to jot down and over the next 2 or 3 months on various musical related subjects, many shows I intend to get to and one very exciting revelation which will come to fruition hopefully in the next 6 weeks or so.

So stay tuned folks...that's all I'm saying...stay...tuned :-)

1 comment:

  1. maybe this helps to get you started again :)
