Saturday, 29 May 2010

Shooting the moon...thanks Andy!

So I was preparing the write a blog and then I noticed a comment pop up in my mailbox and it rather changed the subject area somewhat. I had intended to talk a bit about a great week or so I had accompanying Israeli Band (and friends) Acollective (who you must check out if you haven't before) around the UK on their recent tour which took in Sound City in Liverpool as well as other destinations including Oxford and London but that'll have to wait for another day.

See when someone sends me a link, I feel compelled to check it out and I've now been introduced to The Moonband, a German-based Alternative Folk band very much in the same mould as one of my other favourite bands of that genre, Blind Pilot.

Now the odd and slightly annoying thing is I can't tell you much if anything about them apart from I think I can safely say they are based in Germany, there are 5 of them and they play a nice array of instruments...but more than that...I'm just as much in the know now as I was about an hour ago. I can't give you a back story, musical history, previously toured with list...absolutely nothing, in a way its a bit frustrating but at the same time it's quite cool because it means that the music itself is the bit that takes centre stage.

So what can I base the music on...well...a few youtube videos AND the songs on their myspace player. And from what I see and hear I like very much. I'd say it's more of an acoustic laid-back style of folk which has a fuzzy, warm and intimate feel to it, by that I mean it feels like it could almost be being played in your front room.

So that's pretty much all I can give you on this one, I like it, I don't know much about them and you can buy their album here.

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