I just typed a massive long blog, something happened and i got logged out, it didn't autosave past the first 3 lines and well now those words are gone forever and it's getting late and well by the time i remember it all, I'll be fast asleep. So in condensed form...I noticed a lot more of you are popping by to see what i'm on about on a daily basis...hi to you all. It's really cool that you're stopping by, it means we have musical tastes which at least partially match which is really cool and by proxy makes you cool too, at least in my eyes and i hope you're buying into my vision about sharing music and the brilliance of live music.
Now I love the idea you all pop by but I want you to communicate a bit more, give me your thoughts on what i'm talking about, give some recommendations, tell me when i'm wrong, tell me when I'm right. you can do it in the comments section at the end of each post but i guess some of you probably feel a bit uneasy doing this, or maybe don't realise you can, so I've decided to give you another medium to get in touch...via the power of email: mrrichmuk@googlemail.com - so now you have no issue...go on, come say hi, I won't bite :-)
I'm working on a cool idea at the moment which will need you all to get involved. I can't say what it is yet cos I don't know if it can be done and if I can commit to it but get ready for something a bit novel.
Right now onto the music which is what we're all here to discuss. Ever get an album where you think "bahhhhhhh that's ok, nothing special, not as good as i hoped, move on"? I had that with an album I've had for about 7 months which for some reason I recently forced myself to give another airing to. The album in question is Emerson Hart's debut solo album Cigarettes and Gasoline. For those of you who don't know, Emerson is also member of the US band Tonic (which also includes Jeff Russo of Low Stars fame). So I gave the album another airing and I found it was much better than I originally thought, a lot better in fact it was actually a very good album, to the point that the good songs seem great, in particular "Flyin" which is an awesome track. Check out the video and the studio track is on Emerson's myspace page.
What was the last album/artist that did that to you? Drop me a comment or an email, I'd love to know.
Right then, take 2 complete, shorter, less wordy and not as good but you get the idea and now I'll try and get this weary head and the pillows acquainted for the night.
happy weekending peoples xx
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