Tomorrow I'm embarking on a first, two gigs back to back...(swigging on a drink I sound so pretentious) infact I almost sound like the rock star, yet all I'm doing is standing and watching, drinking and capturing some songs on camera...still it's hard work in my book ok?!?!
First up is a night with the newly found and much listened to Roy Rieck and the Medley Band playing at the Road Trip in Shoreditch (incorporating Strange Folks...I still can't get my head around that one, I will try and get that one nailed tomorrow night with a quick chat with Roy or Idan). So that will be very cool indeed.
Thursday night will be a trip back to the cool house that is Monkey Chews to go and see yet another eARMusic night...I really must buy one of their season tickets and save myself a fortune. All I know is that Kicaberry are playing. I briefly saw these guys (well guy and girl to be precise) once back in early July when they played a set after Greg Holden and Chloe Temtchine.
So the camera will be on double overtime this week and there's a few minor and major logistical problems trying to clear the camera down from Wednesday night for Thursday's onslaught. I haven't yet figured out how but I need to find 4 to 6 hours that don't exist to get the vids off and process them...challenges...but nice challenges.
Anyways that isn't even remotely close to a recommendation, a review or anything more than a random splurge so to balance it out nicely...
I've been sitting here listening via myspace to a band called The Wishing Well. Never heard of them and I actually don't know how I stumbled across them. But their music is quite nice, nothing standoutishly brilliant but nice and quite mellow I like it, maybe not enough to think "damn I need this record" but it's good. Actually in continuing to listen I can sort of see a distant, very distant similarity to Five for Fighting (not in the vocals) but just the music itself, I can imagine Jon's voice belting over the there's a band I haven't heard anything from for years...time to dig the CDs out, although I see I've missed 2 or 3 albums....hmmm.
Apparently they're a bunch of Aussies, thus proving that there is something better than Kylie, Jason and Savage Garden on the other side of the world.
Anyways there's an offering of a review...and now I get to the end I remember how I found The Wishing Well...they're playing a gig on Saturday night with Roy Rieck and The Medley Band...
Night night you random visitors whoever and wherever you may be xx
PS - Oh shit, I almost forgot something exciting, Will Hoge has put up on his myspace player the title track from his new album which is called "The Wreckage"....the song and the album. Check it out!
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